Luxembourg City Film Festival
Categoriën:Extern Nieuws

Vrijwilligers Gezocht

Vrijwilligers gezocht voor Luxembourg Film Festival 2018


A major event on the Luxembourgish cultural scene for 8 years now, the Luxembourg City Film Festival offers visitors over 80 films (feature and short) by directors from Luxembourg and abroad, and features installations, transmedia projects, parties, conferences, and encounters over the course of eleven days.

If you are a film enthusiast keen to take a peek behind the scenes of a festival, join us as a volunteer for the 8th Luxembourg City Film Festival.

When? The Festival will take place from the 22nd February – 4th March 2018.

Where? Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg, Ciné Utopia, Kinepolis Kirchberg, Festival Headquarters at the Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain, and Cercle Cité “Espace de rencontres et d’expositions”, as well as the various partner spaces across the capital.

What will volunteers do?

  • Welcome the public to the various festival sites, supervise school groups;
  • Theatre Operations: from taking tickets to crowd control, theatre operations has the BIGGEST DEMAND for volunteers;
  • Provide customer service and general Festival information to patrons at designated locations, distribute information;
  • Assist with daily operations, set up of the headquarters;
  • Assist with fulfilling ticket orders, answering patrons’ questions about films and venues, and provide customer service;
  • Accompany, welcome and transport festival guests;

Act as liaison and provide guest services for guests attending with a submitted film (long hours).

All skills and willingness to work will be gratefully accepted. If you are interested, pre-register now by writing to

We will be in touch at the end of the year for an introductory meeting. (FR)  (EN)  (DE)