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Voorverkoop Tulpenbollen!

November 17th, 2016 from 18:00-21:00 hrs

Autumn arrived! International Bazar is approaching!

Like in 2015 it is a privilege, as Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, to invite you to the “International bazaar pre-sale” of Dutch TULIP bulbs!

Now is the planting season!
– You may come for a drink and, like last year, delicious homemade “Erwtensoep”.
– Purchase tulip-bulbs (flowers-to-be) and/or bring your pots and plant the bulbs on the spot! Everything you need will be available at the Residence to plant your tulips.

First quality bulbs, stunning, beautiful; will show their flowers in March/April/May 2017.
All proceeds will be donated to one or more of the 85 charities that have been selected for this years’ International Bazar!

Residence Ambassador of the Netherlands
138 Rue des Muguets
L2167 Luxemburg

Date/time: November 17th, 18.00-21.00 hours


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